How to Use Canva for Etsy Printables
Designing printables is an easy way to make passive income on the side. Canva is a free online design platform that allows you to create graphics for any project. You can also customize and resize existing templates and resources to use in your own designs.
How to Market Your Printables
When you start selling your printables on Etsy, it’s important to have a strategy for marketing them. This will help you drive traffic to your shop and increase sales. You can use Pinterest and other marketing tactics to get your templates noticed by potential buyers.
Research your niche
When designing your templates, it’s essential to do research on what types of products sell best on Etsy. This will give you an idea of what to offer and how to stand out from other sellers in your category.
Create a graphic
When you’re creating a template, you’ll need to create a graphic that will tell people what it is and where to find it. Having this information in a graphic will allow people to buy it without having to read a description or look at a photo.
Save the template
Once you’ve completed the template, it’s time to save it in your account. Canva makes it simple to save your designs by clicking on the “Save” button.
Print your PDFs at home to test them
After you’ve saved the template, you’ll need to print it out at home to check that it looks correct and is printing properly. This is crucial to ensuring that you’re selling the best quality printables possible.