If you’re looking for a way to make a passive income while working on your own schedule, then selling printable wall art may be the right business for you. This type of digital download can generate significant revenue for an Etsy shop without having to invest in costly inventory and packaging, or shipping costs.
There are many different types of printable wall art to choose from, including paper dolls, street photography, landscapes, and more. Whether you want to sell your own designs or print others’, it’s important to know your audience and understand the printing options available to you so that you can offer them a product they can love.
How to Create a Successful Digital Wall Art Print
One of the most important things to do when selling digital wall art is to ensure that it’s high-quality. This means choosing a good image and making sure it’s of a high resolution. You can also use a professional printer or art print company to give your digital wall art prints the best quality possible.
How to Market Your Digital Wall Art
Once you’ve decided on a topic for your digital wall art, it’s time to start marketing it. This means using keywords, tags, and descriptions in your listing so that people searching for digital wall art can find it on Etsy.
How to Optimize Your SEO
Search engine optimization is one of the most important aspects of selling anything online, and this is especially true for digital wall art prints. It’s also vital to include a description and short videos that show customers how to use their digital wall art.