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How to Find Printables to Sell on Etsy

by | Mar 4, 2023 | Uncategorized

Printables are a great way to sell products that require little physical inventory. They are also an easy way to scale a business, as they don’t need the same amount of capital investment that many other eCommerce businesses do.

What to Make & Sell

Start by researching what kinds of printables are in high demand on Etsy. This will help you narrow down your selection to the most profitable items.

Wall art, for example, is a popular printable category with buyers who want to add some personality to their home decor. These can be anything from inspirational quotes to beautiful illustrations and photographs.

Teaching materials are also in demand, with more people homeschooling or looking for extra educational resources. Whether it’s flash cards or worksheets, you can create teaching tools that are easy to print and laminate for use instantly.

Digital downloads are another popular type of printable. They’re usually downloadable files that customers can download from your shop and then print at home.

How to Market Your Digital Product

When selling a digital product, it’s important to provide good quality images that display the products’ main features. It’s also a good idea to include lifestyle mockups that show the printables in context.

Lastly, you should offer multiple file formats. Providing PDFs is recommended as they’re the most widely-used format, but you can also offer other formats, too. Just make sure to name your digital files so that they’re easily identifiable for your customers!

Written By Gerald

Written by: Doc Smith, Master Craftsman and Founder of Doc’s Knife Works. With over 20 years of experience in the art of knife-making, Doc shares his passion and expertise to inspire and educate knife enthusiasts worldwide.

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