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Etsy Prints to Download

by | Mar 19, 2023 | Uncategorized

There are lots of great prints to download on Etsy, whether you’re looking for motivational quotes or something fun and bright for your kiddo’s bedroom. You can even find digital artwork for your living room or office!

Printing Options for Your Digital Art

Getting your prints printed can be a bit confusing, especially when you’re not sure what kind of printer to get. But it’s actually easier than you might think to get high-quality prints from your digital art files.

First, it’s important to know the file type of your files. JPEG and PDF are the most common formats used by Etsy sellers, but they can have different quality levels.

The best type of print file for your artwork depends on a few factors, including resolution and aspect ratio. The higher the resolution of your digital art, the better the quality will be when it’s printed.

Aspect Ratios and Print Sizes

When choosing file sizes, it’s important to keep in mind that the most popular size for American shoppers is 8.5″ x 11″ and the most popular print size for shoppers in Europe is A4. It can be helpful to offer a few different ratios and sizes in your digital downloads, which can be helpful for customers who may not have access to the same printer as you do.

If you’re selling a variety of different digital downloads, it might be helpful to provide your customers with a PDF that includes links to all the different file sizes you offer. This can be a great way to make it easier for your customers to download the sizes they need, and it can help improve your customer experience.

Written By Gerald

Written by: Doc Smith, Master Craftsman and Founder of Doc’s Knife Works. With over 20 years of experience in the art of knife-making, Doc shares his passion and expertise to inspire and educate knife enthusiasts worldwide.

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