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What Printables Sell Best on Etsy?

by | Feb 28, 2023 | Uncategorized

What Printables Sell Best on Etsy

Whether you want to create a side hustle or make a full-time income, selling printables on etsy is one of the most profitable monetization strategies. These products are easy to create and sell, and customers love the convenience of being able to print their own digital downloads at home or with a local copy shop.

Best Selling Printable Ideas on Etsy

There are a variety of printables that sell well on Etsy, including wedding invitations, save the date cards, thank you cards, birthday invites, baby shower invitations and more. What makes these products so popular are that they’re customizable – buyers can choose from different colors, fonts and designs.

What to Sell in Your Printables Business

You can create a wide range of printables for your etsy business, from jar labels to gift tags and candy bar wrappers. But, if you want to be really successful in your printables business, try creating unique templates for holiday and seasonal events.

How to Create the Perfect Listing for Your Printables

When creating a printable product on Etsy, you should always include a description and 13 tags to make it easier for your customers and search engines to find your items. You should also upload pictures and mockups of your products to show off their quality.

How to Price Your Printables on Etsy

Pricing your digital products can be challenging, but it’s essential that you find a sweet spot that is both competitive and lucrative. Start by testing out lower prices to see what works and then move up until you hit your sweet spot.

Written By Gerald

Written by: Doc Smith, Master Craftsman and Founder of Doc’s Knife Works. With over 20 years of experience in the art of knife-making, Doc shares his passion and expertise to inspire and educate knife enthusiasts worldwide.

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